The current viral pandemic is ushering in a new reality for most of the country as we all adjust, pivot and make necessary changes to stay safe and keep the spread of Corona virus to a minimum. By now, most of us are in the same proverbial "boat"... School’s are closed for the foreseeable future and parents are now taking on the role of teacher in addition to an already full plate. Kids are home and already “bored” after only one day of social distancing. You might be seriously considering reaching out to the black market hand sanitizer ring for just one bottle of Purell. You are isolated. The gym is closed and you are bummed you wont get the endorphins you need to set your head right when you need them the most. You are feeling bummed, stressed, worried, grumpy, disinterested and down right mad. Me too... guilty as charged.
A bit of reality? Feelings similar to those above are in no way helpful to us when we need to come together now more than ever before. Your family, your displaced, laid-off or completely out-of-work coworkers, friends and fellow citizens need YOU! We know deep down how dangerous negativity is to our overall health and well-being. On a intellectual level we are very clear about not entertaining disruptive thoughts, but we are all now challenged and pushed to our limits. We are certain we have to change, but it’s hard. I get it.
My point? We can’t, absolutely must NOT, allow life’s uncertainties dictate how we feel. We have a choice! We control how we respond to difficult situations. Life will always be hard/challenging/throw us curve balls... We have to CHOOSE resiliency, joy and positivity. When life is hard, we need to get strong and choose to be better. We have to make a decision to do something everyday to stay strong, positive and find the Joy.
As we all continue to figure this thing out, I commit to choosing to be resilient and look for joy and optimism! What can you find around you, wherever you are, that brings Joy into your heart, mind and soul? Lord knows we ALL need it now.